Using Pinterest to plan our wedding

13 years ago No comments

So I was finally introduced to Pinterest by my fiance, she started a page of “pins” to show me the items, venues and ideas she has for our wedding. This was the easiest possible way she could get “tech boy” me to pay attention to all the new ideas she had. It worked… I have heard a lot about Pinterest over the last few months, but given the perihelia  of social media apps and sites I am involved in I hadn’t really found a decent use for it until now.

The idea behind it is simple she posts all the things she finds that would be amazing to have at the wedding and reception, every time she adds something I am alerted (iPhone, iPad and Macbook) all light up, I go check it out and I can comment on it and post my thoughts for the particular item. The funny part about it is that she is sitting next to me on the couch ;)

There is another good reason for using Pinterest to add items for your wedding, we can now keep a type of scrap book for all the things we both find to include in the wedding for example this wedding dress.

So after playing around with Pinterest I have found it to be quite a good little idea. Although there are so many social media sites based around finding, sharing, re-sharing, commenting, liking etc it really does have its own place in the social networking world.

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